UGenome and Pharmacogenomic Solutions and Personalized Medication. Contact us today!
K.P. is a 51-year-old Asian male with hypercholesterolemia, referred to the lipid clinic for mild muscle pain that started after Atorvastatin therapy. He initially presented to his primary care provider with flu-like symptoms and reported mild discomfort and tightness in his thighs, without significant weakness or urine changes. The clinician suspected the muscle pain might be related to the statin and opted for pharmacogenomics (PGx) testing to determine if K.P.’s genetics could affect his response to Atorvastatin.

Learn more about UGenome’s Personalized Medication Service, ProPEx, or contact UGenome. You can also find case studies for UGenome’s bioinformatics services Metabolite Identification, Bone Metastasis Risk Analysis in Breast Cancer, Survival Analysis with gene signatures in cancer
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