UGenome and Pharmacogenomic Solutions and Personalized Medication. Contact us today!
J.T. is a 29-year-old female vegetarian who is planning to conceive within the next six months. Recognizing the importance of adequate folic acid levels for a healthy pregnancy, she was advised to begin folic acid supplementation one month ago due to a diagnosed deficiency. Despite her adherence to the recommended supplementation regimen, J.T.’s recent check-up revealed that her folic acid levels remain low. She was experiencing fatigue, weakness, pale skin, irritability, and difficulty concentrating.

Learn more about UGenome’s Personalized Medication Service, ProPEx, or contact UGenome. You can also find case studies for UGenome’s bioinformatics services Metabolite Identification, Bone Metastasis Risk Analysis in Breast Cancer, Survival Analysis with gene signatures in cancer
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