UGenome and Pharmacogenomic Solutions and Personalized Medication. Contact us today!

L.S. is a 56-year-old Caucasian female with chronic knee osteoarthritis who presents to the pain management clinic with severe, continuous knee pain. She experienced a flare-up one week ago, and her pain was poorly controlled prior to this. Despite being prescribed Tramadol, it has not alleviated her discomfort, and the flare has significantly limited her mobility.

Contact UGenome for your pharmacogenomic solution today. UGenome.Bio

Learn more about UGenome’s Personalized Medication ServiceProPEx, or contact UGenome. You can also find case studies for UGenome’s bioinformatics services Metabolite IdentificationBone Metastasis Risk Analysis in Breast CancerSurvival Analysis with gene signatures in cancer

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