Survival Analysis with gene signatures in cancer
Company: Bioinformatics Service Company
Date: October 2023
Survival Analysis with a gene signature in cancer
- We obtained transcriptomic data from publicly available cancer patient cohorts including clinical metadata.
- We completed an exploratory analysis to assess distributional differences to check for sample to sample variability and presence of any outlier samples. We then cleaned, processed, and normalized the raw data as necessary to prepare it for survival analysis.
- We performed univariate survival analysis for individual genes followed by a multivariate analysis of a gene signature (multiple genes) using a non-parametric, unsupervised method, and Gene Set Variation Analysis, to summarize the gene sets.
- Lastly, we performed univariate and multivariate survival analyses using a data-driven cutoff to optimize the cutpoint that maximizes the statistical significance of the difference between low and high expressing patients that corresponds with survival outcomes.